Höcker Polytechnik - yesterday, today, tomorrow
The company Polytechnik oGH is established as a commercial and installation company in Bad Laer with 3 employees. The founder of the company Günther Höcker and his team begin to manufacture extraction systems for joineries. Every year the company grows and in 1996 the first apprentice joins the company.
Cyclones are standard and issues such as health and safety are becoming increasingly important. The product range is expanded, new filter systems are developed and the product range is extended to other industries.
Company celebrations
Günther Höcker drives forward advertising and Höcker Polytechnik gains international recognition.
One of the first assembly assignments abroad.
Höcker's material separator is granted a European patent. More than 2,500 of the patented PMA material separators separate coarse from fine material until today.
Company anniversary
On the 25th anniversary of the company, little reminds us of its beginnings. The company moves to its current headquarters in Hilter a. T. W. The small Workshop has become a company with more than 100 employees. Polytechnik oHG becomes Höcker Polytechnik GmbH.
Presto GmbH & Co. KG is incorporated into the Höcker Group and is now one of Europe's leading container compacter manufacturers.
The next generation takes the reins
Founder Günther Höcker hands over managerial responsibilities to Christian Vennemann and Heiner Kleine-Wechelmann.
The manufacturing and sales company DPU is founded in Poland (Plant II).
Market launch
The Vacumobil compact de-duster revolutionises workshops and has achieved over 10,000 sales since its launch.
Frank Höcker becomes Chairman of the executive board. The three-person competence team consisting of Christian Vennemann, Heiner Kleine-Wechelmann and Frank Höcker still works together harmoniously in the company today and has been expanded.
With Briklis spol. s r.o., the Höcker Group acquires one of the leading briquetting press manufacturers.
Some distribution companies in Russia, Switzerland and Poland follow.
Market launch
BrikStar briquetting presses conquers the market. Well over 3,000 units were sold by this date.
Market launch
The modular MultiStar filter system is launched and since then has been supplied to thousands of customers.
Our modern sheet metal machining centre is oficially inaugurated.
O2 Filtration LLC (Grand Rapids, MI) becomes official USA importer for Höcker Polytechnik wood dedusting and briquetting systems.
New headquarters
The new headquarters in Hilter a. T. W. is inaugurated.The Building is of course constructed in compliance with Energy efficiency requirements.
New logistics centre/ company anniversary
The new logistics centre is inaugurated and Höcker Polytechnik celebrates 50 years in business.
The acquisition of Pipgras Lackieranlagen GmbH expands the product portfolio of Höcker Polytechnik.
The new solar power plant on the roof of the production facility generates over 2,298,684 kW/h of electricity annually. The introduced energy management system has been certified according to ISO 50001 since 2023.
O2 Filtration changes companies name into Höcker North America LLC.
New laser centre
The new laser centre in Plant II is inaugurated.
Market launch
Höcker Polytechnik is the first manufacturer of extraction systems worldwide to be 100% interface compatible to tapio.
Company anniversary
Höcker Polytechnik celebrates its 55th anniversary.
Market launch
Market launch of the MultiStar C hybrid filter System for air volumes up to 30,000 m3/h.
The new website of Höcker Polytechnik launches.
Market launch
The market launch of the newly developed Vacumobile with IE5 efficiency Powerpack for the Vacumobile 350, 300 and 250 offers an efficiency advantage through reduced electricity costs with increased extraction performance of up to 25 percent.
Market launch
Market launch of the newly developed Vacumobil MD 160 medium-pressure dust extractor as a mobile suction centre for professional extraction from hand sanding machines and workplaces with a maximum negative pressure of up to 10,000 Pascal.
New headquarters
The new office and technical building at the Hilter a.T.W. site has been completed. It was constructed using low-energy methods and features modern equipment in the electrical engineering workshop and offices.
New headquarters
Start of construction of the new building.
Family friendly employer
Award and certification as a "family-friendly employer". Employees can now benefit from various services such as counseling and emergency childcare.
Film work
The film "We are Höcker Polytechnik" is presented and offers a look behind our behind the scenes.
Company anniversary
60 years of Höcker Polytechnik. Big anniversary party with 500 guests.
Market launch
The new generation of the modular MultiStar filter system is launched.
New production site
Groundbreaking ceremony held for new production site in Strzegom.
A new production company is founded in the USA.
New production site
Start of production in the new DPU production hall in Strzegom.
Control panel construction now in the service portfolio.