
Dust collectors

MultiStar Filter Systems

The pinnacle  of efficiency and productivity across multiple industries.

Highly efficient and automated production equipment generates high volumes of process waste, placing greater demand on your extraction technology. The amount of dust, scrap, chips, and other process waste is constantly increasing with more efficient machines.

Hocker Polytechnik is walking the evolutionary path of high-performance production equipment with the newly re-designed MultiStar filter series. The modular MultiStar filter solutions are used by many industries and are renowned for the proprietary blend of optimal extraction performance and minimum energy consumption combined with the fully automatic discharge of material. With MultiStar filter systems and the extensive range of options, you can achieve considerable increases in productivity.

The newly re-designed MultiStar filter system meets and exceeds the requirements for high-speed production equipment with extraction of dust and scrap waste. With countless housing variants as well as ventilation, filter, and discharge modules to choose from, the re-designed MultiStar Filter is the right filtration system for your application!

Each MultiStar filter system produced is custom tailored to your company and its application. The collector is designed, manufactured, installed, and maintained by experienced factory-trained teams.

The modular design was successfully surge tested in 2005 and 2023 and its safety was independently confirmed in each case, offering you peace of mind.

The flexible and modular design of the MultiStar Filter System enables it to be used in 1,000’s of applications and industries worldwide. It can be used as a compact cartridge filter or as a larger filter system for air volumes of more than 600,000 m3/h.

The original MultiStar filter system was launched in 2005, a testament to the effectiveness and reliability of this system. We have continuously improved the filter systems
to be more efficient, ensured optimal performance and eliminated any non-essential or sub-optimal components.

The newly re-designed MultiStar Filter System is innovation at its finest. The second generation filter system, like Hocker Polytechnik, is Always One Idea Ahead.

We are happy to help you to find the better solution.

What the dust collectors from Höcker Polytechnik can do

The purpose of a dust collecting system is the dust extraction, to clean a certain amount of air from production processes of processing machines with a dust/air mixture to such an extent that specified limit values for dust and pollutants are reliably adhered to. The filtered air from the industrial dust separators can usually be returned to the production rooms as clean, warm return air. A number of aspects must be taken into account here, such as the composition of the dust/air mixture, the particle sizes, the filter medium and the operating mode of the systems.

Applicable in both industry and trade, the dust collecting systems are suitable for sectors such as: Woodworking and processing, plastics processing, paper, printing and packaging industry, wood industry, furniture industry as well as everywhere where process waste disposal takes place and dry filtration and dust extraction is necessary.

Hoecker also offers each customer a maintenance and service contract after commissioning of the industrial dust collecting system. In the meantime, we have more than 1500 maintenance and service contracts at home and abroad. In addition, we offer a 24/7 emergency service hotline where customers can receive emergency service 365 days a year. All Höcker Polytechnik customers have a lifelong, free-of-charge entitlement to advice on new or existing systems.

We support education, environment and technology

At a glance!

Industries / Applications

  • Automotive industry
  • Woodworking and wood processing
  • Plastics processing
  • Metal trade and industry
  • Furniture industry
  • Public institutions
  • Paper, cardboard and printing industries
  • Materials recovery facilities
  • and many other industries



  • 220 mbar pressure surge tested
  • Bursting panels with flame deflectors as standard
  • Wide range of applications
  • Energy-efficient control
  • Customizable Modular Design
  • Greater range due to up to 6000 pa negative pressure
  • Newly developed fans for optimum efficiency
  • Optional extra: anti-noise click panel for noise reduction
  • Standard safety certificate for the stability of the steel structure
  • Top price-performance ratio



  • Wood chips, softwood
  • Wood or paper dust
  • Plastic chips and dust
  • GRP dust, PUR rigid foam
  • Aluminum chips
  • Oil mist, welding fumes
  • other dedusting processes


We will be happy to advise you without any obligation. Contact us now.

The advantages of our dust collectors

MultiStar filter systems - tested explosion resistance

Approved and certified dust deputy

The recognised specialist institute for explosion tests ”BG-Exam“ has already certified the pressure shock resistance of our MultiStar dust collecting systems in 2005. All relevant laws and standards (ATEX, DIN EN 12779 Industrial Safety Regulation, VDI guidelines, trade association regulations and rules) can be adhered to easily and safely.

Filter system printing plant, wood processing, furniture industry

Efficiency in Trade and Industry

We can supply numerous housing sizes and versions of the smooth-walled industrial dust separators, ranging from the compact cartridge filter system to the large dust deputy for air flow volumes of over 600,000 m³/h.

Industrial dust collectors are the perfect solution for many branches:

  • paper and printing industry
  • woodworking trade
  • plastics processing industry
  • furniture industry
  • metal trades and industry
  • automotive industry
  • recycling companies
  • public institutions

and many more, where dust extraction is necessary.

Productivity increases through air filtration - filter systems from Höcker Polytechnik

Production machines, regardless of the industry, generate chips and dusts through the machining of material. Here is an efficient dust extraction by a dust separator obligatory to ensure high quality production processes. Due to the outstanding filtration results of usually 0.1 mg/m3/h combined with fresh air admixture or heating, the operators of our dust collecting systems save heating costs and there is a pleasant room and working climate.

Industrial dust collectors from Höcker Polytechnik work for you in the process waste disposal of production processes. We keep your production processes clean so that limit values for maximum dust concentrations at the workplace are observed.

For this purpose, the processing machines are connected to the dust extraction systems through precisely dimensioned pipelines and extracted with the necessary energy and speed. The extraction fans generate a precisely calculated negative pressure beforehand. In this way, the dust deputy extracts the production machines properly and keeps them free of dust and chips.

Efficient operation of the dust collecting systems is important to us and to you. We can meet this standard through the optimal design of the filter systems with regard to blowing-in, pre-separation, cleaning and filter media. This keeps the electrical energy costs and the operating costs of the dust deputy very low.

We are happy to help you to find the better solution.

How does a filter system work efficiently?

The modular, highly flexible module filter system of the Multistar filter systems offers a feasible solution for every customer and every available space. With 5-6 different material discharge types, the MultiStar filter systems can be used multiflexibly and offer individual bag filter materials adapted to the material situation as well as three different cleaning techniques such as vibration cleaning, low-pressure rinsing air cleaning or the Jet Impulse compressed air cleaning process.

All MultiStar filter systems have been pressure shock tested by neutral institutes since their market launch. The filter housings are also certified according to fire resistance class EW 90, which means that the systems may be built up to 1 m from production halls, depending on the external wall construction of the building. All rotary valves from Höcker Polytechnik are also flame penetration tested and certified.

What makes the MultiStar filter series from Höcker Polytechnik so special?

The modular, highly flexible module filter system of the Multistar filter systems offers a feasible solution for every customer and every available space. With 5-6 different material discharge types, the MultiStar filter systems can be used multiflexibly and offer individual bag filter materials adapted to the material situation as well as three different cleaning techniques such as vibration cleaning, low-pressure rinsing air cleaning or the Jet Impulse compressed air cleaning process.

All MultiStar filter systems have been pressure shock tested by neutral institutes since their market launch. The filter housings are also certified according to fire resistance class EW 90, which means that the systems may be built up to 1 m from production halls, depending on the external wall construction of the building. All rotary valves from Höcker Polytechnik are also flame penetration tested and certified.

What is the capacity of the filter systems of the MultiStar series from Höcker Polytechnik?

The MultiStar filter systems in longitudinal design can filter up to 500,000 m3/h. They can also be operated in positive or negative pressure mode. Negative pressure operation means that the fans are located behind the filter and suck through the filter housing. Such systems operate with fans arranged on the clean air side with the highest possible efficiency of up to 84 % depending on the system type and design. Vacuum filter systems from Höcker Polytechnik can be used up to a maximum vacuum of 5000 Pascal.

In case of higher pressure losses of the overall system, the fans are used on the raw gas side in the material and conveying flow. In this case, open transport impellers or optimised impellers with efficiencies of up to 75 % are used. The performance range of the fans is from approx. 6000 m3/h to approx. 65,000 m3/h per fan. The pressure range is covered from approx. 1500 - 7500 Pascal. If an even higher total pressure increase of the fans is required, special fans are used or support or boost fans are used. The electrical drive power of the fans in the above-mentioned range is between 5.5 and 200 kW maximum.

Dry materials are required for the filtration of the MultiStar filter units. The moisture content should be below 20 %. For more humid materials, filter material with a corresponding oil- and moisture-repellent coating is available as an alternative.

What are the advantages of MultiStar filter systems?

The filter units of the MultiStar series can be planned very flexibly in length, width and height due to their modular design. In addition, the MultiStar series is a technically very mature filter design that has been sold worldwide for more than 15 years and well over 2,000 times. Filtration of this kind is used in a wide variety of industries. Low operating costs as well as efficient service life and durability make the MultiStar filter units particularly worthwhile. The test certificates of the units also receive the highest recognition and praise worldwide.

The heat recovery of our filter systems also offers enormous economic advantages for the operator, as heating and energy costs are considerably reduced. A MultiStar filter unit with return air system and heat recovery often pays for itself after 1.5 to 2 years.

Are the MultiStar filter units certified and tested?

All MultiStar filter units have been pressure surge tested by independent, leading institutes since 2005 and the airlocks are certified flameproof.

  • Pressure surge level: certified with 0.21 mbar
  • Filter housing: tested and certified according to fire resistance class EW 90
  • Possibility to install the filter units up to 1 m from buildings (with permission from the building authorities & depending on the nature of the building)
In which sectors can the MultiStar filters be used?

The MultiStar filter systems can be used in a wide range of industries where chips and dusts are produced. These include:
Wood and plastics processing

  • Exhaust air filters for industry and trade
  • Paper, printing and packaging industry
  • Recycling industries and applications
  • Metal processing
  • Processing of materials containing minerals such as dry construction materials
  • Production of chemical insulating materials such as polystyrene or foamed building materials
  • Agriculture, grain processing

In order to minimise losses due to long pipes, it is advisable in the field of filter technology for all industries to place the MultiStar filter units as close as possible to the respective building. Furthermore, fire and explosion protection play an important role in installation planning. Thanks to the flexible modular design of the MultiStar units, we can plan and present a technical solution for any space available.

Can the MultiStar filter systems also be customised?

When buying a filter system, there are features and characteristics that you should pay particular attention to. In addition to a long service life and very good filter service life, these also include the following points:

  • Structural conditions
  • Fire and explosion protection
  • Sound insulation
  • Desired extraction capacity in volume flow
  • Reserve capacity for later increases in machine performance
  • Operating mode of the system (continuous operation without breaks or discontinuous operation with breaks for cleaning)
  • Operating costs
  • Energy efficiency of the extraction fans as well as the control and regulation of the systems

Please contact us to find out which modules of the MultiStar series can be individually adapted and configured to your requirements.