UL control cabinets from Höcker Polytechnik according to UL 508a / CSA 22.2 standard
Certified safety for USA and Canada
Since April 2019, Höcker Polytechnik is a panel shop certified by Underwriters Laboratories (UL for short) and fulfils the high requirements for the use of switch cabinets and controls on the US and Canadian markets with the UL 508a / CSA 22.2 standard*. The UL508a standard is the standard for the use of industrial switch cabinets and control systems on the us market and places particularly high demands on safety components and test procedures, the CSA 22.2 standard is the equivalent for the Canadian market. Every UL control cabinet from Höcker Polytechnik fulfils all safety requirements of the UL 508a / CSA 22.2 standard. UL control cabinets are optional and come at an extra cost, as the planning, components, cabinet construction and testing processes involve a considerable amount of extra work.

We know how a control system has to work efficiently and which criteria have to be fulfilled in terms of control technology for reliable operation. Höcker Polytechnik has perfected the processes in control development and control cabinet construction over several decades. The combination of experience, knowledge and many professionals who have mastered control cabinet construction makes Höcker Polytechnik control cabinets the innovative control brains in Höcker Polytechnik plants.
UL control cabinets from Höcker Polytechnik are built in accordance with standards and then certified. The multi-stage testing and acceptance procedure is carried out by our UL-trained experts. UL control cabinets with UL 508a / CSA 22.2 test mark can be imported into the USA and Canada without any problems and offer the advantage of smooth acceptance on site.
* For the certification of its product by the Underwriters Laboratories (UL for short), a manufacturer must prove that it complies with the specified safety requirements, most of which were developed by UL itself. At the same time, a manufacturer must use an appropriate system to ensure that each copy of its product also meets the specified safety requirements. In order to ensure that a manufacturer also complies with the specifications on a permanent basis, UL inspects the production sites unannounced at irregular intervals.