BrikStar iSwarf - briquetting press for metal chips
Hydraulic briquetting press for the metal processing industry
In metal processing, often large quantities of waste products are incurred, such as grinding sludge and metal shavings, whose value is not recognised or remains unexploited. As a rule, these waste products are cost intensive to dispose of due to their high proportion of cooling lubricants, or they obtain only negligible revenue as scrap metal.
As a result of the “Ordinance on Facilities for Handling Substances Hazardous to Water” (AwSV), which came into force on 01.08.2017, the classification and handling of substances which are hazardous to water has changed significantly. However, these waste products can be used in an optimum way by means of a high performance briquetting press from Höcker Polytechnik.
In addition to the significant volume reduction and the resulting minimised transport routes, the adhering cooling lubricants are pressed out to such an extent that the briquettes may be stored and transported in accordance with the new AwSV Ordinance. The BrikStar iSwarf series briquetting presses are ideally suited to the processing of predominantly short, loose metal shavings from the mechanical processing of non-ferrous metals, steel and cast parts or other metals such as aluminium and magnesium.
Another good reason to decide on a briquetting press from Höcker Polytechnik is, in addition to the volume reduction, the recovery of cooling lubricants, the environmental protection and the higher revenue that is achieved with briquettes compared to chips.
Benefit from the use of a Höcker briquetting press:
- Reduce oil and lubricant costs
- Lower logistics costs
- Environmental protection thanks to briquetting
- More revenue by briquettes
= Fast payback period (ROI)
BrikStar iSwarf briquetting presses
BrikStar iSwarf 550 -
BrikStar iSwarf 550 -
BrikStar iSwarf 550 (avec accessoires spéciaux) -
BrikStar iSwarf with lifting and tilting station for forklift-free emptying of chip containers -
Brikstar lift-tilt station for metal briquetting presses -
Brikstar iSwarf 440 Metal Briquetting Press with ARTEP Shredder and Twin Screw -
Brikstar iSwarf 440 metal briquetting press with external 2 m3 storage -
Brikstar iSwarf 440 metal briquetting press with external 2 m3 storage -
Brikstar iSwarf 550 metal briquetting press with lift-tilt station on platform
All advantages of the BrikStar iSwarf at a glance:
- Compact and space-saving design
- Variable adjustable press pressure
- Easily adjustable briquette density
- Easy installation
- Savings of up to 95% of fresh oil or emulsion quantities
- Fewer storage, transport and disposal resources
- Added value through the sale of metal briquettes
- Sustainable and environmentally friendly operation
- Virtually complete avoidance of corrosion of metal chips
- Briquettes with low residual moisture for optimum smelting
- A PLC controlled briquette length automatic system always guarantees the maximum throughput
- A large touch panel allows easy operation