Biomass and scrap wood utilisation
In times of increasing shortage of recourses and the dramatically increase of energy costs and heat supply wood scrap recycling and utilisation of biomass has become great importance. In this domain Höcker Polytechnik gained experience for more than 55 years due to the producing of installations and cooperation with excellent partners. No matter if we talk about warm air heating, feeding manually or automatically, about warm water heating systems, chip silos, bunker discharge and feeding systems, smoke gas extraction or funnel systems, Höcker Polytechnik always has the optimal and most economical solution for the economic and ecological recycling of your production waste.
Biomass processing and thermal recycling at a glance
One third of the processed wood is waste, sawdust and wood shavings. This residual wood from the wood-processing industry is a valuable raw material and - processed into briquettes or pellets - can be used efficiently as fuel for energy or heat generation. In addition, subsidies from the federal states can be used for the installation of a corresponding system. This means that the investment pays for itself in a very short time.
Low, constant heating costs are a decisive advantage when choosing a heating system. The energy source residual wood has this advantage, because the operating costs are calculably favorable over years. The price develops here to a large extent independently of gas and oil prices, which will continue to rise in the course of becoming scarcer resources and rising ecological tax.
Due to their high energy density, residual briquettes or pellets require a significantly smaller storage volume than other biogenic solid fuels. This fact allows a trouble-free storage for one heating period. The risk of explosions, fires and groundwater contamination during fuel storage is also much lower than with fossil fuels.