Certified energy management according to DIN EN ISO 50001:2018
The products of Höcker Polytechnik GmbH are developed and manufactured for maximum energy efficiency. Of course, we also pursue this sustainable approach during all development and production phases. Our energy is generated by an in-house solar power plant and the energy input is reduced to the absolutely necessary minimum by energy management systems and the conscious handling of valuable resources.

This commitment not only pays off for the environment
Our energy management knowledge grows daily and we incorporate this know-how into production optimizations and new products. Since August 2016 our energy management system is certified according to ISO 50001.
The energy management system of Höcker Polytechnik GmbH has been certified according to the ISO 50001:2018 standard and is regularly monitored by DEKRA Certification GmbH, Stuttgart. All employees work actively on the energy management system and continuously improve it in daily practice.
We would be pleased to send you our current ISO 50001:2018 certificate by e-mail.